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A Creative Work of Metta Radiating Song
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Abstarct "Metta Radiation" (Spreading Loving Kindness) is a chanting composition associated with Buddhist religious rituals, aiming to cultivate peace and pure intentions in the minds of the practitioners towards others. This creative work of Metta-radiating song was developed using Thai musical composition principles. Its purposes were to create the Metta Radiating Song and to disseminate it to the general public. The Metta-radiating song followed the structure of the Metta chanting, consisting of five musical verses: 1. Sabbe satt?, 2. Aver? hontu, 3. Abbay? pajjh? hontu, 4. An?gh? hontu, and 5. Sukh? att?nang pariha-rantu. The lyrics were composed in three languages: Pali, Thai, and English. The musical composition incorporated the principles of the penta-centric vocal group and followed a melodic arrangement of sequential sounds. The tempo was moderately slow, and the song was structured as a single verse without repetitions to invoke a sense of tranquility in the listeners, fostering a firm commitment to benevolence towards others.