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Fostering the Video-Enhanced Language Teaching Model for Teaching English in the 21st Century
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Abstarct Online videos have recently gained substantial ground of learning and perceiving knowledge from young netizens as their powerful source of integrated sound, photos, animation, and edutainmental content. Video-Enhanced Language Teaching is a technological and pedagogical model of professional development and implementing videos as part of teaching through training, specifically designed for elderly EFL teachers. The process of the VELT model maximise teachers’ potential in applying technology into the real English classroom activities with pellucid steps starting with training to teaching. This academic paper initially proposed how video-enhanced language teaching can be useful for teachers’ teaching, particularly elderly EFL teachers in Thai contexts, by grounding in the approaches of technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) and video-based instruction (VBI), together with their limitation, advantages and disadvantages, and it also initiates 14 steps for the VELT model. Finally, I underpinned several issues to success in using videos for teaching that is for teachers’ benefits.